
Slovak Spectator: Slovak youth unemployment

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Slovak Spectator: Slovak youth unemployment

Published on May 21, 2012

Youth unemployment in Slovakia is primarily due to a skills mismatch in the labour market, commented Martin Kahanec on youth unemployment in Slovakia for The Slovak Spectator.


Schools and universities produce large numbers of graduates with skills that are little in demand. On the other hand, graduates with technical skills are scarce. (Cabinet re-allocates €295 million of EU funds, The Slovak Spectator)

According to Kahanec, Slovakia’s edu­cation system produces graduates with encyclopaedic knowledge but almost no ability to apply it, few practical skills, and limited potential for innovation.

“Even for those graduates that find jobs, employers have to invest a lot into bridging such skill gaps before these employees can become sufficiently productive,” said Kahanec.

Read the article in The Slovak Spectator


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