
New book chapter by Barbora Holubová, Marta Kahancová, Mária Sedláková and Adam Šumichrast: "Return to work practice in Slovakia: matching best practice with the scope of social partner activity"

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New book chapter by Barbora Holubová, Marta Kahancová, Mária Sedláková and Adam Šumichrast: "Return to work practice in Slovakia: matching best practice with the scope of social partner activity"

Published on Sept. 27, 2021 in Books

New book chapter by Barbora Holubová, Marta Kahancová, Mária Sedláková and Adam Šumichrast: "Return to work practice in Slovakia: matching best practice with the scope of social partner activity"

The chapter "Return to work practice in Slovakia matching best practice with the scope of social partner activity", authored by CELSI researchers, was just published in a new ETUI book titled "Continuing at work: Long-term illness, return to work schemes and the role of industrial relations".


The book provides a comprehensive picture on the practices and covers workers´, managers´ and social partners´ experiences and views on the policy tools already in place to help people return to work after long-term illnesses. The ideas on how to improve the policies are even more important in the time of long-term consequences of COVID-19.

The labour market integration of disabled people has received increasing policy attention not only at EU level but also in particular EU member states, including Slovakia. In the context of labour shortages prior to the Covid-19 crisis, measures pertaining to a longer Opatrenia týkajúce sa predĺženia pracovného života a rýchlej (re)integrácie do práce working life and quick (re)integration into work have become increasingly important.

The book is available for free download at


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